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Foods to Avoid if You Have Psoriasis




If you have psoriasis, certain foods may exacerbate your symptoms or trigger flare-ups. While dietary triggers can vary from person to person, here are some foods that many individuals with psoriasis might consider avoiding or limiting in their diet:


Foods to Avoid if You Have Psoriasis

Here are some of the Foods you must Avoid if You Have Psoriasis

  • Processed Foods: Highly processed foods that are high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats may contribute to inflammation, which can worsen psoriasis symptoms.
  • Red Meat: Some studies suggest that red meat and fatty cuts of meat might increase inflammation and aggravate psoriasis for some people.
  • Dairy Products: Dairy, especially full-fat dairy, could potentially trigger inflammation and worsen psoriasis in certain individuals. Consider trying alternatives like almond milk or coconut milk.
  • Gluten: While psoriasis is not directly linked to celiac disease, some individuals with psoriasis may have a sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Going gluten-free could be beneficial for them.
  • Nightshade Vegetables: Some people report that nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and potatoes worsen their psoriasis symptoms. However, scientific evidence on this is limited, and it varies from person to person.
  • Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to inflammation and potentially trigger psoriasis flare-ups. It’s advisable to limit alcohol intake or avoid it altogether.
  • Sugary Snacks and Beverages: Foods and drinks high in sugar can contribute to inflammation and may negatively affect your overall health, which can impact psoriasis.
  • Citrus Fruits: While there isn’t strong evidence, some people find that citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruits, worsen their symptoms. If you suspect a connection, try eliminating them from your diet temporarily.
  • Spicy Foods: Spicy foods could potentially trigger flare-ups in some individuals with psoriasis. Pay attention to your body’s response and adjust your diet accordingly.
  • High Sodium Foods: Foods high in sodium can contribute to fluid retention and inflammation. This might not directly impact psoriasis, but it can affect your overall health.

Remember, everyone’s body is different, and what triggers psoriasis symptoms for one person might not affect another. If you’re considering making significant changes to your diet to manage psoriasis, it’s a good idea to consult with a Ayurvedic Skin Specialist or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history, dietary preferences, and specific triggers you’ve identified.


After absorbing the insights from this article, you’ll likely find yourself making more mindful decisions about your diet, considering the impact on your psoriasis. While these choices aim to mitigate inflammation’s intensity, it’s important to acknowledge that psoriasis flare-ups can still occur.


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